It almost impossible to go a day without seeing a post on Instagram or Facebook about self love. But what does self love really equate to? Self love sounds great in theory, but the thing about self love is that it is a Practice. It is a conscious effort to invest in one’s health and well being. Self love is about personal growth.
Often associated with the “treat yourself” movement, self love is about doing something good for your soul, body and mind. What does true self love look like? It’s actions, behaviours, and mindsets that fill up you cup so you can be the best version of yourself. Self love is about being gentle on yourself and giving yourself grace. The impact of self love does not start and end with you alone, it can spreads to others around you. We cannot help others if we sacrifice our own needs and burn ourselves out.
Some examples of self love include:
-Learning a new skill
-Listening to music that moves you
-Meditating/ Breath work
-Going for a walk/run
-Setting personal goals
-Talking with a family member or friend
-Taking care of your body with massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy and/or a chiropractic care
-Investing in your overall health
-Making healthy food choices
-Choosing to laugh and love
-Cherishing small victories and the small moments in life
So whether you are looking for some guidance on self love or want to do something good for your body we are here to help you.
In summary, be easy on yourself and choose to do something good for your mind/soul/body and always keep moving. Don’t forget to enter our self love GIVEAWAY on our Instagram (@completehealth20) to kick start your self love journey! ?